Next Steps

Get Connected at FBC Jay
The Christian life is a journey, and a journey is made up of steps. At FBC Jay, we want to encourage you through that next step, whatever it may be. Each quarter we gather with new attenders to formally meet and discuss the structure of our church as well as the opportunities available for every family. Sign up for our Starting Point Class below.

Starting Point
New Members Class
If you’re interested in finding out more about the FBC Family and all our church has to offer, register for this class. Our next one begins September 3.
Grow Together
Small Groups
We believe this time with other believers is vital, and we highly encourage everyone to find a Small Group. Gathering together with other believers to study the Word ought to be one of our greatest priorities.
We’re a group of men that get together to hang out and help each other become the best men, husbands, and dads we can be.
Current Study:
To Be Announced
Other Things You Should Know:
Our FBC Men’s group provides a wonderful time for men to fellowship, study the Bible and share in life’s struggles. We have a Men’s Breakfast the first Sunday of every month, Bible Studies, and enjoy serving the Church and those in our community together. We are a group of men who strive to hold one another accountable as we all seek Christ together. See our Church Calendar for all our gatherings.
Our Women’s Ministry is continually seeking ways for women to grow closer to Christ through fellowship and studying the Word. We serve, pray and fellowship together on a regular basis through Small Groups, Quarterly Fellowships, Serving the Community, Women’s Bible Studies, Weekly Prayer Meetings, and so much more. Keep an eye on our church calendar and weekly bulletins for updates on our Women’s Ministry Events.
We’d love for you to join our small group. We connect and read through a book or study a section of the bible. The group is made up of young singles and families, with kids in preschool or elementary school.
Other Things You Should Know:
We’re a very active group and often hang out on the weekends. Here are a few activities we do as a group:
- Visit Parks
- Hike & Run
- Have BBQ’s
- Swim
The children’s ministry is a vital part of this church. It is a fun, active and exciting learning environment for ages 2 years through 6th grade. It is our desire to nurture the children at First Baptist to faith in Christ. We believe each child should have the opportunity to grow and learn about Christ and His amazing gift of salvation. It is our hope that when your child attends our children’s programs, they feel loved by all who serve in this ministry, and by Christ. We take safety and protection of children in our care very seriously. That is why we have adopted and enacted a comprehensive child protection policy to protect and ensure the proper care of your children. During the school year, we meet at 5pm for meals and then our Team Kids gatherings are from 5:30-7:30pm.
Connection Group-Small Group Bible Study every Sunday at 9:45am
Sunday Morning Worship-Corporate Worship Service @ 10:45am
Wednesday Evening Worship-Large Group Bible Study & Worship from 5:00-7:00pm
Falls Creek- Summer Youth Camp
Grand Lake Baptist Assembly Youth Camp
Mission Trips
DNow Weekend-Weekend Event To Reach & Disciple Students

If you’d like to take steps toward baptism, please fill the form out to connect with our Pastor.